Friday 4 September 2009

Another Report on Crowthornes Broadmoor

In Addition to the July report on Broadmoor detailed in Bracknell Blog here, Yesterday a new report was published my NHS London into the death of a patient at Broadmoor Hospital.

The report concluded that "a collective failure at all levels" the report was investigating the killing of a patient by Peter Bryan sent there for murdering his friend Richard Loudwell and eating parts of his brain.

The report accused Broadmoors management of a lack of leadership at most levels and little common purpose within to deliver a first class service to patients and the public'.

The report also highlights severe organisational failings at Broadmoor which contributed to the killing. These failing include, No risk assessment carried out on Peter Bryan, On the day of the incident 6 of 9 staff on duty were in their offices with doors shut, for over several months there were repeated failures to take seriously complaints made by Richard Loudwell.

Some people would say let them die but what they forget is that we live in a caring society, they also forget that suffering from severe mental illness is not the fault of the individual and most of the patients have not committed murder but did commit a very serious crime. Others are there because they were found unfit to plead in a trial.

NHS London published two separate independent reports into the care and treatment of Peter Bryan by East London NHS Foundation Trust and West London Mental Health Trust.
NHS London press release and report on Broadmoor Hospital (Opens in a new window)

West London Mental Health NHS response to the London NHS report

Press release: CQC reaction to NHS London report on PBRL report

CQC investigation report into West London Mental Health NHS Trust

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